After a lengthy wait, the broadway musical adaptation is finally streaming. We'll show you where to watch Wicked.
Wicked: For Good is still suspended somewhere over Oz. If you need a popular pick while you wait for its Nov. 21 release date ...
Here’s some news that’s sure to be pop-u-lar: The Wicked movie is coming to digital next week, just in time for New Year’s Eve. Directed by Jon M. Chu, this film adaptation of Stephen ...
The “Wicked” movie is headed to theaters earlier than expected! On July 1, it was announced that the film adaptation of the hit Broadway musical is now being released on Nov. 22.
One of Wicked's co-writers explains how the second movie will expand the rest of the play. In order to adapt the Wicked stage musical, director Jon M. Chu and his team decided to break Wicked into ...