A 2020 study revealed that lacking connection with your pet cat could mean you're not fluent in cat talk. Researchers who watched cat-and-person exchanges reported that the gentle narrowing of the ...
I think my cat needs a therapist. When I adopted her, she was really shy and it is taking her a long time to warm up. What can I do? —Cat Mama DEAR CAT MAMA: The very first ...
A dog of any age may need additional training to properly cohabitate with a cat. Fido’s calmness is a huge factor when introducing your pets, according to the American Kennel Club.If your dog ...
DEAR PET TALK: I think my cat needs a therapist. When I adopted her, she was really shy and it is taking her a long time to warm up. What can I do? —Cat Mama DEAR CAT MAMA: The very first ...