The Amazon Rainforest, often referred to as the “lungs of the Earth,” plays an essential role in our planet’s ecosystem. Its ...
Rangers trained during the course are now integral to this mission. In Valle Nuevo National Park, they assist in monitoring ...
Hidden within the Amazon Rainforest are rare, carbon-rich ecosystems known as peatlands, a type of swamp forest that’s key to ...
Demand for the patchouli plant’s oils has skyrocketed in recent years, and so too has the number of farmers in the region who now grow and process it.
It is commonly assumed that as forest ecosystems age, they accumulate and store, or "sequester," more carbon. A new study based at the University of Michigan Biological Station untangled carbon ...
Forests encompass around 40.6 million km2 of the Earth's surface, making them a vital component of our ecosystem. Not only do they contribute to reducing ...