He put a smile on the face of all the children ... spread around town and on the day the event, Santa, with Mrs. Claus by his side, along with Elf on a Shelf, Frosty the Snowman, reindeer ...
These funny Elf on the Shelf ideas will let Santa's helper cause a little mischief ... What's funnier than faces on food? Grab some eggs (or bananas) and use a felt-tip pen to draw on some funny ...
Emily being able to communicate freely with the elf and tell Santa what she wanted was just amazing." She added, "After the experience I was in tears, it was so magical to see Emily’s face light ...
Christy Heins, of North Aurora, Illinois, shared her exit strategy in a hilarious Facebook post on Dec. 3 — attaching a letter Santa had written that told her two young daughters that their elf ...