IN a desperate bid to force the acceptance of local currency and curb the smuggling of counterfeit goods by small to medium ...
HARARE, ZIMBABWE — After nearly two decades at the Tongogara Refugee Settlement in Zimbabwe, Philosoph qualified for resettlement in the United States. He, his wife and 10 others were set to ...
Here are some of our most-read stories from last month that you may have missed from another hectic news cycle. Vel Phillips dean of students on administrative leave after SRO handcuffs, pins ...
which bore the brunt of the hundreds of thousands of Zimbabwean refugees who fled across the border from the 2008 violence. These shared interests create an opportunity for Washington and Pretoria ...
Past crises have produced waves of refugees that have burdened Zimbabwe's neighbors. Renewed instability in Zimbabwe would be a special challenge for South Africa, which is attempting to deal with ...
Do southern African leaders fear that sudden upheaval in Zimbabwe might spill over into their own countries, and cause a refugee crisis? South African's government has called Zimbabwean refugees ...
That is the reason why, we adapted our digital education programme to provide refugee children with quality education and the skills they need to shape the tomorrow they deserve. Location: Rwanda, ...
Because Zimbabwean students spoke English and Mozambique schools conducted classes in Portuguese, a language barrier prevented refugee students from being able to attend regular schools in their ...