Written and directed by Bynum, “Magazine Dreams” follows an amateur bodybuilder who struggles to stay sane while balancing ...
Two years after 'Magazine Dreams' premiered at Sundance, the first trailer for the film featuring Jonathan Majors' breakout ...
Briarcliff Entertainment released the first trailer for "Magazine Dreams," starring Jonathan Majors following his assault ...
While “Magazine Dreams” was met with buzz after its debut at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival, sparking a bidding war that led ...
Searchlight dropped the film after the actor was convicted of assault, but Briarcliff picked it up for a March release.
The film, directed by Elijah Bynum, follows the story of Killian Maddox, a troubled man who dreams of bodybuilding superstardom.
Currently, there appears to be an ongoing revolution in the fashion industry, driven by initiatives like the Runway of Dreams Foundation and the experiences of neurodivergent individuals in fashion.