Early humans certainly had plenty of physical activity, and it was strenuous. But due to heavy labor, our ancestors ...
Let's debunk some common misconceptions about the intelligence of raptors, the swimming abilities of Diplodocus, and the ...
It's time to find out how far these predators can sense blood and what happens if you punch a fish in the nose.
Volcanoes are not only terrestrial; they can also be underwater—and the latter can host their own ecosystems. After all, a hole in the Earth’s crust from which hot magma spews is not just a source of ...
Brutal northern barbarians actually liked cosmetics and brightly colored clothes, and Ivar the Boneless could walk.
If you get lost, you won’t starve as long as there are berries, nuts, and mushrooms available. It’s worse when these are ...
Specifically: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, and Si. If you add a higher “Do,” you get an octave. This is why it’s often said that ...
If you cut or peel an apple and then leave it on a plate for some time, the flesh will turn brown. Many people believe this ...
Scientists already know that our emotional response to music is multifaceted: we don’t simply feel happy when we hear a ...
The fungal threads transfer carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen, water, and many other substances between trees. If one tree is in ...
After primates descended from the trees, finger dexterity and a strong grip became essential for making and using tools.
In historical films and series, you’ve probably noticed the rather extravagant haircuts of medieval Catholic monks. The top ...