Foreign Ministry of Uzbekistan said it has not received any requests from Afghanistan’s interim government to cancel concerts and events featuring musical performances at Termez international trade ...
Uzbekistan is one of the top three fastest-growing economies in the Europe and Central Asia region in 2024, the World Bank said in its Economic Update for the region released on Thursday. According to ...
Uzbekistan has strengthened measures and increased readiness of sanitary checkpoints to prevent the spread of the Marburg virus in the country, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Committee said. “There ...
Tashkent’s draft general plan until 2045 was presented to the president, proposing to divide the city into three zones: conservation, reconstruction and renovation. The plan emphasizes environmental ...
Sensitive groups should greatly reduce outdoor exercise. Avoid ventilating indoor spaces with outdoor air. Close your windows to avoid dirty outdoor air. Data is collected from different IQAir ...
Yanvar-sentabrda muomaladagi naqd pul ulushi yillik ko‘rsatkichda 3,2 foiz bandga — 23,9 dan 20,7 foizga pasaydi, deb xabar ...
Перепись населения Узбекистана планируется провести в 2026 году. Средства с карт стали обналичивать реже. МВД предупредило ...
AQSh sobiq prezidenti Barak Obama Detroyt shahrida Kamala Harrisni qo‘llab-quvvatlash mitingida rep o‘qidi. Shuningdek, ...
Oxirgi 8 yil ichida O‘zbekistonda gazetalar soni 91 taga, radiolarniki esa 6 taga kamaydi. AOKA direktoriga ko‘ra, hozirda ...
Oybek Shaxavdinov O‘zbekistonning Xorvatiyadagi birinchi elchisi bo‘ldi, u mart oyidan buyon mamlakatning Vengriyadagi ...
Mahalliylashtirish import o‘rnini bosish emas, balki narx bo‘yicha ham, sifat bo‘yicha ham raqobatbardosh mahsulot ishlab ...
Samarqandda o‘tkazilgan Hududlararo hamkorlik forumi va biznes forumi doirasida O‘zbekiston va Qozog‘iston o‘rtasida 352 mln ...