Laser sawing of diamonds is beginning to revolutionize the diamond-cutting industry. Not only does the laser saw offer savings in time and money, but it also enables the cutting of material virtually ...
More information listed in the report: More information listed in the report: More information listed in the report: More information listed in the report: More ...
Pietersite has been described as a brecciated variety of tiger’s-eye. This study examined pietersite specimens from Namibia and China (the main sources) using powder X-ray diffraction, optical ...
Figure 1. Faceted manufactured glass beads measuring approximately 8 mm in diameter. Photo by Robison McMurtry. A collection of lovely faceted blue beads was presented to author EAS during an annual ...
Over the last two decades, knowledge of the formation of gem deposits has improved significantly. This article reviews the state of our knowledge of the geology and genesis of gem corundum and emerald ...
Bluish green tourmaline crystals and white calcite on a Burmese ruby. Photo by Charuwan Khowpong; field of view 2.48 mm. During a GIA field expedition to Mogok, Myanmar, a tiny but interesting sample ...
Visit us at the 70 th Bangkok Gems & Jewelry Fair to learn what’s new at GIA and take advantage of quick, convenient gem identification and origin identification services for colored stones at our ...
This 7.19-carat alexandrite was cut to feature its beautiful color change. When the light source changes from daylight to incandescent light, the gem’s color changes from bluish green to reddish ...
产自戈尔康达地区的无瑕级大钻石。产自哥伦比亚的大量绿色祖母绿。产自缅甸的鲜红色红宝石。只有最令人惊艳的宝石才会镶嵌在最纯的黄金中。5,000 多年来,珠宝在印度历史中一直发挥着 ...
People from all over the world send their diamonds to the GIA laboratory for grading and analysis. Our clients put their business in our hands and their trust in our expertise – and we are extremely ...
This 5.30-carat emerald from Brazil has a slightly bluish green color. Courtesy John Parrish, courtesy African, Brazilian, Colombian Gems Incorporated. Emerald has many special qualities, but colored ...
This jadeite "Peiyao" (Chinese Fu dog) represent mythological creatures that guard and protect celestial palaces and entrances. - Gift of Sophie Leu Jade has been cherished for thousands of years.