I have a new interest in hifi and it is in active speakers. It all started with the Hypex AS2.100 modules. These weren't perfect, but still impressed me with their tight, dynamic and clear sound.
I've only recently started to appreciate valves. First there was the Audio Note CD player, then the wonderful Astin Trew CD player and after that I had a great time with the hybrid Vincent power amp.
Jitter is a form of digital distortion without a real parallel in the analogue audio domain. In my simple mind it works like this. Digital recording samples information about a sound wave thousands of ...
A couple of months ago I reviewed the ESound CD-E5 SE CD player, which I liked very much. The player was provided by East West Audio (EWA) in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, and the reason for reviewing ...
Now, this is a rare and exotic creature - a digital to analogue converter that will handle 384kHz files. There are not many DACs that can do that. The only other one I've heard is the MSB Signature IV ...
Spikes? Oh no, not again! One of the most controversial "tweak" of the entire HiFi history which has produced endless debates among the audiophile crowd: SPIKES!!!! One thing is for sure: spikes, when ...
La 300b Western Electric ha una storia lunga e brillante, nella quale non intendo addentrarmi in questo breve sunto! È stata progettata negli anni 30 specificatamente come valvola di potenza per uso ...
In this increasingly Internet based streaming age, with CD's going the way of the dinosaurs, a new and cheap way of playing back your little silver discs is welcome. Especially one that doesn't get in ...
Regular readers of TNT Audio will be familiar with Geoff Husband's review of the Dynavector XX-2 Moving Coil cartridge. In that review Geoff said "The XX-2 is a stunning cartridge. It's far from a ...
£500 extra buys the £2799 Thorens TD1601 over the £2299 TD1600. This £500 buys an optical sensor arm lift. "£500 for an end of side arm lift?" Demand Plebs, stage left, "Surely that's a lot of dosh to ...
Può sembrare bizzarro - nell'era dell'audio digitale ad alta risoluzione - recensire un vecchio lettore CD. O forse no. Ho la netta sensazione che buoni prodotti del passato possano ancora avere le ...
The label on the sturdy, if somewhat utilitarian, metal case is Sound Stage Expander, but there is more to this unit than first evident. As well as being a tube buffer, it provides two effects - ...