The Starfield team aimed for realism inspired by The Expanse and Star Trek, which led to the removal of heavy gore features.
In an alternate timeline, Starfield could have been a much gorier game than the one we actually got. According to former ...
A former Bethesda artist who worked on Starfield explains why the game didn't have the same graphic violence as similar titles from the studio.
Alongside the technical debt it would require to implement, it just didn't make sense given the vision the game had.
Some games are not fun until you’ve invested hours. The gaming industry could learn from the way fiction writers craft their ...
And finally, we have surely the single most disappointing game of the 2020s so far - Bethesda's long-awaited sci-fi RPG ...
DROP's new Starfield-inspired mechanical gaming keyboard looks so good we'd love to see it aboard a for real spaceship or ...
A former Bethesda artist reveals why Starfield skipped the kind of decapitations and gore seen in games like Fallout.