The main advantage of using records instead of tuples is that fields in a record are accessed by name, whereas fields in a tuple are accessed by position. To illustrate these differences, suppose that ...
The low-level Erlang loader. This module is used to load all Erlang modules into the system. The start script is also fetched with this low-level loader.
Functions for exporting XML data to an external format.
Erlang is designed for massive concurrency. Erlang processes are light-weight (grow and shrink dynamically) with small memory footprint, fast to create and terminate and the scheduling overhead is low ...
High Performance Erlang (HiPE) is part of ordinary Open Source Erlang. It allows compiling Erlang modules to native code. Erjang is an experimental Erlang VM implemented in Java. Erlang to Scheme ...
Built using ExDoc (v0.34.1) for the Erlang programming language ...
This module provides functions for communicating with sockets using the TCP/IP protocol. The following code fragment is a simple example of a client connecting to a server at port 5678, transferring a ...
This section introduces Mnesia with an example database. This example is referenced in the following sections, where the example is modified to illustrate various program constructs. This section ...
This section should be read with the supervisor(3) manual page in STDLIB, where all details about the supervisor behaviour is given. A supervisor is responsible for starting, stopping, and monitoring ...
A user may have a number of "virtual" connections to other users. An MG is connected to at most one MGC, while an MGC may be connected to any number of MG's. For each connection the user selects a ...
A distributed Erlang system consists of a number of Erlang runtime systems communicating with each other. Each such runtime system is called a node. Message passing between processes at different ...