WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Red crown rot, a disease that affects soybeans and other legumes, has spread to Indiana fields. Symptoms of the disease resemble those of other diseases, such as sudden death ...
In the simplest terms, a crop growing season refers to that period of the year when seasonal weather is favorable for growth. In the Corn Belt, the "growing season" is often defined as the number of ...
We improve lives and livelihoods by delivering tested and trusted educational resources. The Cooperative Extension Service is one of the nation's largest providers of scientific research-based ...
Ringworm is caused by infection of the hair and surface layers of the skin by fungi. It occurs in all species of animals including man. Fungal infections cause little, if any, permanent damage or ...
Water may appear clear and pure, but water from wells or other sources may contain dissolved minerals and other substances. Generally, Indiana's ground water provides a good supply of safe water that ...
Purdue Extension program will help businesses attract talent by improving human resources skillss and managers Purdue Extension will offer the “Becoming the Employer of Choice” series virtually ...
High quality, high oil corn (HOC) should be low in stress cracks (brittleness) and other damages (heat, mold, insects, BCFM) and high in feed value and other desirable end-use attributes (oil, protein ...
Feeding calves colostrum benefits the producer of beef or dairy cattle by saving calf lives. Colostrum can be particularly valuable when given to calves that are orphaned or weak at birth or that do ...
Agriculture and Natural Resource Extension (ANR) Educators serve as research based, unbiased information source for county and state constituents on a variety of topics including: crops, ag business, ...
Wetlands once made up 25 percent of Indiana. Many of these 5.6 million acres were located in the fertile farmground of northern Indiana. Early in the 19th century, landowners began using open ditches ...