There’s plenty of genital action going on this week, as your baby’s testes (if he ... that all-important first pic (cue trumpets) — the blurry scan photo. Most nuts are already a go-to pregnancy food ...
In a statement, the Southern Trust said its maternity team aimed to complete that first initial pregnancy scan between 11 and 13 weeks. It added that in some cases, where women are referred to the ...
Screening at 11 to 13 weeks is not routinely offered ... said late diagnosis at the 20-week scan affects how women choose to manage their pregnancy. Dr Monaghan, who is member of the ROCG, said ...
Early scans are routine in the rest ... which tests for anomalies is offered to all pregnant women in the first trimester – ...
In Scotland, Wales and England antenatal screening which tests for anomalies is offered to all pregnant women in the first trimester – between 11 and 13 weeks. The Royal College of Obstetrics ...