The beloved Polar Bear Plunge began sometime in the 1940s, with some Cabrillo Beach lifeguards enjoying a casual Jan. 1 dip.
Temperatures may only be in the low- to mid-60s, but hundreds of folks wouldn’t think of skipping the chilly Polar Bear ocean plunge at noon on the first day of the year at Cabrillo Beach in San ...
Polar Bear Swim is a New Year’s Day tradition in San Pedro — with crowds running into the sea at Cabrillo Beach.
The annual Polar Bear Swim drew hundreds, as usual, for the bracing, rejuvenating dip into the sea at Cabrillo Beach. The tradition goes back more than 70 years and includes the ceremonial ...
Hundreds celebrated New Year’s Day with a Polar Bear plunge in San Pedro. The 73rd Annual Cabrillo Beach Polar Beach Plunge ...
People planning to visit any of eight area beaches should avoid swimming, surfing or playing in ocean waters at those ...
Authorities are investigating whether the remains are linked to two fishermen who went missing after setting out from ...
The human remains were found just a day after two fishermen went missing after setting sail from a nearby beach, but it’s not ...