The beloved Polar Bear Plunge began sometime in the 1940s, with some Cabrillo Beach lifeguards enjoying a casual Jan. 1 dip.
Hundreds celebrated New Year’s Day with a Polar Bear plunge in San Pedro. The 73rd Annual Cabrillo Beach Polar Beach Plunge ...
The human remains were found just a day after two fishermen went missing after setting sail from a nearby beach, but it’s not ...
Polar Bear Swim is a New Year’s Day tradition in San Pedro — with crowds running into the sea at Cabrillo Beach.
A couple days after a portion of the pier featured in The Lost Boys collapsed into the ocean, a scene reminiscent of ...
The alarming discovery came one day after two fishermen departed Cabrillo Beach on a small boat, but never returned. Cabrillo Beach is just 13 miles south of where the body part was found.
Temperatures may only be in the low- to mid-60s, but hundreds of folks wouldn’t think of skipping the chilly Polar Bear ocean plunge at noon on the first day of the year at Cabrillo Beach in San ...