Scientists uncover hidden land under Iceland, questioning our understanding of Earth's continents and tectonic plates.
The enchanting dunescape stretches over 43 miles (70 km) along the coast and over 30 miles (50 km) inland. Lençois translates ...
A groundbreaking discovery has revealed an unexplained heat source on the Moon’s far side. Linked to an enormous granite ...
Rivers began pumping weathered material into the sea about a billion years after Earth formed, suggesting continents may have gotten an early start.
This was when the Earth was one continent called Pangaea that slowly broke apart and spread out to form the continents we ...
For centuries, we have been taught that there are seven continents, but new research has suggested there are actually only ...
Research on hidden structures deep within Earth’s mantle challenges theories about our planet’s middle layer and could ...
Africa is dividing in two, and a new landmass and ocean may form sooner than expected. The change could alter the climate and ...
Some federal websites, including the White House’s, have already deleted climate information, including reports on resilience and adaptation vital to U.S. communities.
Hubbard, who first joined the USGS as a postdoc, is part of the agency’s Earth Mapping Resource Initiative (Earth MRI).