Halloween is a horror film series that consists of slasher films focused on the fictional character of Michael Myers. Michael's killings occur on the holiday of Halloween, on which all of the ...
Rob Zombie's "reimagining" follows the premise of John Carpenter's original, with Michael Myers stalking Laurie Strode and her friends on Halloween night. Zombie's film goes deeper into the ...
Halloween II (2009) This second entry in the series by ... you might want to skip this version of Halloween. This 2007 movie scores a slot just one notch higher than its sequel.
Nearly every "Halloween" movie features a battle between killer Michael Myers and former babysitter Laurie Strode, a character played by scream queen Jamie Lee Curtis. Though Curtis doesn't appear ...
"Terrifier 2," which sees a killer clown commit a series ... made it that much scarier. The best Halloween movie is undoubtedly "Trick 'r Treat," a pitch-perfect anthology that doesn't simply ...
We are going to see a number of high profile horror movies attempt to make their mark in October ahead of Halloween, and one of them is Smile 2, out tomorrow, October 18. The horror film is a ...
However, Michael isn't too far off and will continue his murdering 'Halloween' rampage until he gets his sister all to himself.
After Dr. Samuel Loomis shoots Michael Myers six times, Michael escapes and is now on the loose in Haddonfield. Laurie Strode is taken to the hospital, and Dr. Loomis continues to hunt down ...