IIT Madras director, V Kamakoti’s recent claim that cow’s urine or Gau Mutra had medicinal properties drew much flak online. A video of the professor from an event held at a cow shelter did the rounds ...
Intermoney | On Saturday afternoon, Telefónica (TEF) informed the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) that it was dismissing its current chairman, Jose María Álvarez-Pallete, and appointing ...
Allegedly, an ascetic recovered from high fever within 15 minutes of consuming gau mutra (cow urine). The IIT Madras director claimed that the bovine urine contains antibacterial and antifungal ...
The director also mentioned a patent given by the United States government on the use of a component from Cow Urine, titled "Use of bioactive fraction from cow urine distillate (‘go-mutra’) as a ...
A recent video of V Kamakoti, the director of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, praising the medicinal benefits of cow urine has prompted reactions from rationalist groups and ...
'Gaumutra', or cow urine, has "anti-bacterial" and "anti-fungal" properties, and can heal a variety of illnesses, including IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, V Kamakoti, the Director of IIT Madras ...