Firefighters are subjected to physically challenging situations daily, and to become a firefighter in North Carolina, ...
The Amazfit Active 2 offers a ton of features for just $99 including impressive fitness, health and sleep-tracking tools ...
It's no secret Dana White has a pretty cozy relationship with Donald Trump, but the UFC founder isn't involved with the ...
Is your goal to stay healthy and active as long as possible? Do you want to continue to stay independent and doing the things you want to do? If so, then keep on reading. Though many people believe ...
The United Stater Marines are TOUGH! It was an honor to visit Camp Pendleton and train with them for a day. In this video we ...
At least 29 recruits have died during basic training at law enforcement academies nationwide in the last decade, according to ...
The Cooper test is a short 12-minute test that measures the distance you can cover in a specific time to assess your ...
Would-be Gardaí applicants will no longer have to perform sit-ups or push-ups with the fitness requirements being relaxed in ...
A new study demonstrates life-saving benefits of consistent exercise. People who can exercise sufficiently on a treadmill during cardiac stress testing have a lower mortality risk regardless of their ...