HBO's Westworld revolves around humanoid robots known as hosts, a concept that is similar, albeit more darkly comical, in a ...
Barry Levinson is not a name one would usually associate with the horror genre. The Academy Award-winning director — best ...
Cosmic horror was built on stories of the impossible eternity that is the cosmos, with writers and filmmakers refining this ...
Anyone with kids would be well aware of the fact that children often do not have any filters. Indeed, this can be mortifying ...
Some old scary movies don’t feel scary anymore. Here are 12 exceptions. The Exorcist (1973) Profoundly chilling even before ...
Our January digital cover story spotlights genre icon Doug Jones, famous for his on-screen transformations, who now takes on ...
The Until Dawn movie will have one character in the game appear in it, but aside from that, will feature a new plot and ...
In the streaming era, physical media continues to become an increasingly rarified collectible. Even if filmmakers work with ...
Making movies is a risky business. Movies which cost less than $40 million to make, are fully funded up-front, get global exposure and win Oscars sound like the stuff of fantasy.
“ Nosferatu ,” a gothic horror remake inspired by Bram Stoker’s “Dracula,” sunk its teeth into $100 million at the global box ...
There are some lessons to be learned from what worked, including PG-rated and animated movies and re-releases, and what ...
A satirical look at how this year's new public domain entries could be turned into horror, from Mickey Mouse and Popeye to Hemingway and Faulkner.