Hurricane Helene wiped away homes for many people across the region, and a couple of those flood victims are currently living ...
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday he’s “doing everything” he can to try to pass legislation that ...
There is not a lot of acreage in Elizabethton that is available for development. The fact that some land that could be used ...
Northeast State Community College and TCAT Elizabethton broke ground recently on the new Carter County Higher Education ...
Some flood victims are temporarily staying at the East Tennessee RV Park in Elizabethton, due to Helene leaving their homes ...
Recently, two committees within Carter County voted to remove the Elizabethton/Carter County Chamber of Commerce from ...
A state treasurer is probably a good person to ask for advice on how to make money. On Tuesday in the Elizabethton City Hall, ...
Artist: "Children, especially, have enough things to be afraid of in this life. Isn't it nice to have the Mother of God on your team, too?" ...
Billy Reed Fletcher, 43, had his first appearance in Carter County Criminal Court on Tuesday. Fletcher entered not guilty ...
The Disaster Resource Center for Carter County has moved to the Elizabethton/Carter County Public Library, 201 N. Sycamore St ...
With area high school football all wrapped up for 2024, high school hoops season is in full swing. In Elizabethton, the ...
Susan Dugger hasn’t always been a teacher. Her first career was in employment training, but she decided to make a change. Dugger has led the Elizabethton City ...