In the following articles we will be describing in detail each one of the perspective horizons so that you can see exactly what they consist of and what you need to take into account to create the map ...
Processing is the stage of the GTD workflow in which you make decisions. You get all the stuff you have collected and, one by one, decide what are you going to do with them. For you to decide, you ...
Principles and rules can be understood in different ways, so in this article I will refer to principles as “fundamental ideas that govern someone’s thought or behavior”, and to rules as “that which ...
"Thinkers think and doers do. But until the thinkers do and the doers think, progress will be just another word in the already overburdened vocabulary by sense." ~ François de la Rochefoucauld There ...
Also called Area of Responsibility, it refers to each one of the different facets of your work and personal life that you want to improve or maintain at a good level, so you want to dedicate time and ...
It is a list of the different aspects that your areas of focus and interest may involve, both personally and professionally. You can use it occasionally to identify all the incompletes related to ...
Behaviors, situations, and environmental elements that make us waste our valuable time are usually called time thieves. External time thieves are those that come from outside and we cannot prevent ...
Dwight D. Eisenhower, thirty-fourth president of the U.S., thought that we should devote attention and time to our activities in accordance with their importance and urgency. He said, rightly, that we ...
Every time you are learning something new, developing a new habit or running a big project, there are always moments in which thoughts invade your mind. It looks like you don’t move on, you don’t feel ...
WYSIATI is the acronym for de What you see is all there is, a cognitive bias described by Daniel Kahneman in his book Thinking, fast and slow, which explains how irrational we are when making ...
"The biggest challenge is to stay focused. It's to have the discipline when there are so many competing things." ~ Alexa Hirschfeld Productivity is not a question of how much time a day you spend ...
Jason Fried says in his book Rework that in Basecamp, company in which he is co-founder and CEO, one of the abilities that they are interested in when hiring people is their writing ability, no matter ...