We all like to think that we’re emotionally mature, but are we really? Having the courage to take an unbiased look at where we may need to improve ourselves can have significant benefits for our ...
To advance the field of positive psychology, scholars and practitioners need to gather evidence on internal experiences that are fundamental to our individual and ...
While teaching children to practice gratitude can be a bit of a task, the return on investment in their emotional wellbeing is unlimited and long [...] ...
Feeling depressed, helpless, lost or extremely sad is something everyone experiences. However, when a depressed mood or unbearable sadness is present for a long time ...
Dr. Reham Al Taher, Clinical Psychologist, is the author of multiple books. Dr. Reham Al Taher, Clinical Psychologist, is the author of multiple books. She obtained her doctorate in Clinical ...
If you’ve heard a lot about emotional intelligence but you’re not sure what the hype is, or if you know what it is but doesn’t [...] ...
Would you like your students to be resilient and motivated, have a healthy self-esteem, and treat others with kindness? This should be every educator’s goal [...] ...
Mental toughness is not about being the loudest and brashest athlete on the sports field, pitch, track, or in the pool. Instead, mental toughness is [...] ...
Prof. Albert Bandura is one of the most highly cited academics in the world (Haggbloom et al., 2002). Bandura’s scholarship has formed part of many [...] ...
Can’t cope? Overwhelmed? Stressed? We all have trouble coping at some points in life. We don’t get the promotion we hoped for; our relationship breaks [...] ...
Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Sylvester Stalone, Thomas Edison, and Keanu Reeves. What do all of these individuals have in common? They have all been diagnosed ...