New York City Deputy Police Commissioner John A. Leach, right, watching agents pour liquor into sewer following a raid during the height of prohibition In recent years, countries like South Korea have ...
Hazrat Amirul Momineen aa greeted the khuddam and first addressed the amir-e-qafila, who introduced the group as khuddam from the USA’s South-East Region. Following this, Huzoor aa interacted ...
The modern world is plagued with issues at every level of society. Not least of them is the increasingly hazardous rise of gambling, which is silently taking over entertainment, sports and even ...
In the early 20 th century, a pervasive fear known as the “Muhammadan danger” swept across the Western world, driven by the belief that Islam posed a serious and imminent threat to European ...
Yes, I married my first cousin. Shocking? Improper? Perhaps to those who thrive on misplaced moral outrage. Cousin marriage is a topic that makes some people clutch their pearls while conveniently ...
Our community should not lose hope. The things just mentioned are not severe hardships. I truthfully say that God Almighty has eased our difficulties, because the pathways of our spiritual quest are ...
Foundation of a new mosque being laid in New Yundum, The Gambia ...
That is: ‘Muhammad sa We enjoin you to become [and embody the attributes of] Abraham as.’ If one were to argue that this was merely a [divine] injunction, then what is the proof that he truly became ...
A five-day tour was conducted by Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Finland’s Tarbiyat Department to visit six cities of the country with the purpose of meeting with Jamaat members, visits to city officials and ...
Lajna Imaillah Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, hosted its 4 th Peace Symposium on 3 November 2024 in which 32 external guests attended the event. This year’s theme, “Voices for Peace: ...
The 57 th Jalsa Salana of Jamaat-e-Ahmadiyya Kenya was held at the Mubarak Mosque on 7-8 December 2024, on the theme “Taqwa”. The Mubarak mosque was inaugurated by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aa) in ...