Courts in Utah and Michigan recently blocked legislative assaults on the ballot initiative process.
You’re read­ing The Brief­ing, Michael Wald­­­­­man’s weekly news­­­­­­­­­let­ter. Click here to receive it in your inbox.
New standards give intelligence officials too much discretion in handling personal information purchased from third parties.
We correct the record on the 2020 election and crime rates. You’re read­ing The Brief­ing, Michael Wald­­­­­man’s weekly news­­­­­­­­­let­ter. Click here to receive it in your inbox. There’s an old ...
When violent crime spiked during the Covid-19 pandemic, many voices in politics and the media found a convenient scapegoat: bail reform. But is bail reform really why crime rose? A recent study I ...
The average amount raised by those running federal office has increased dramatically in recent decades, resulting in candidates and elected officials needing to spend more time raising money during ...
While the Heritage Foundation has previously spread disinformation about purported noncitizen voting, the organization has now turned to desperate measures in search of nonexistent voter fraud. Ahead ...
La Fundación Heritage, situada en Washington D.C., ha estado sembrando desinformación sobre las elecciones desde hace mucho tiempo, diciendo que existe un fraude electoral generalizado, a pesar de que ...
Thanks to weak campaign finance laws, the wealthiest Americans and corporations possess immense power to shape our elections. Recently, more and more political spending has been fueled by tech wealth ...