A senior official of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) urged African nations to engage with Ethiopia to ...
President Taye Atske-Selassie received and held discussions with Her Royal Highness Sophie Helen Rhys-Jones, the Duchess of ...
Head of Political Affairs and Counter Terrorism Focal Point for the African Union (AU), Babatunde Abayomi Taiwo commended the ...
(ኢዜአ) ፦ ዓለም አቀፍ የታዳጊዎች የሜዳ ቴኒስ (J30) ሻምፒዮና ዛሬ በአዲስ አበባ ቴኒስ ክለብ መካሄድ ጀምሯል። ሻምፒዮናውን የኢትዮጵያ ቴኒስ ፌዴሬሽን ከዓለም አቀፉ ቴኒስ ፌዴሬሽን ጋር ...
The conference convened on Africa’s challenges and opportunities in Addis Ababa is crucial to foster future cooperation among ...
(ኢዜአ)፦ ለኢንዱስትሪ ጥሬ ዕቃና ለወጪ ንግድ የሚሆኑ የግብርና ምርቶች ላይ በማተኮር ምርታማነትን ለማሳደግ እየተሰራ መሆኑን የሰሜን ሸዋ ዞን ግብርና መምሪያ አስታወቀ ። የመምሪያው ምክትል ኃላፊ ...
Africa IOA(In on Africa) የተሰኘ ተቋም ባወጣው መረጃ በግብርናው ዘርፍ እየተመዘገበ ባለው እመርታ ኢትዮጵያ በምግብ ራስን ከቻሉ ምርጥ ሀገሮች ተርታ ከደቡብ አፍሪካ በመቀጠል ሁለተኛ ...
Over the past two decades, Ethiopia has emerged as one of Africa’s most dynamic economies. With focus on agriculture, manufacturing, and services, the country has made remarkable strides, reducing ...
Addis Ababa June 20 /2024 (ENA) Ethiopia's active participation in the BRICS meeting Forums held in Russia and the corresponding bilateral discussions with member countries have yielded significant ...