Previous: The Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Ms Ao Ieong U, attends the opening ceremony of a cultural event featuring music from the six religions in Macao, in celebration of the 25th ...
The Personal Data Protection Bureau provides seminars on the Personal Data Protection Act to private and public institutions. The Personal Data Protection Act seminar serves to highlight the basics ...
The Personal Data Protection Bureau accepts and handles applications for opinions in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act. The Personal Data Protection Bureau shall inform the applicant of ...
The“Finanças” Building-Service Centre 1: Ground floor, the “Finanças” Building, 575, 579 & 585 Avenida da Praia Grande, Macao. Macao Government Services Centre-Taxation: 52 Rua Nova da Areia Preta, ...
To apply, renew, reissue, replace and cancel “Non-resident Worker’s Identification Card” (“Non-resident Worker’s Card” for short) for non-residents who are employed by Macao employers with valid ...
Persons who wish to apply for residence in Macao as an investor, management executive or skilled worker may apply to the Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute (Address: 1/F, World Trade Centre ...
Health Centres are district-based units that provide primary healthcare services and have the authority to: Provide personal healthcare and essential medications to individuals and families; Refer ...
Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, n. os 43 - 53A, The Macau Square, 8.º andar C e 11.º andar K, Macau ...
衛生局表示,吸煙和飲酒均對健康造成嚴重的損害。煙草燃燒時所產生的煙霧、電子煙及加熱煙所產生的氣溶膠均含有對人體有害的化學物質,不但令人上癮,而且增加心臟病、中風、肺癌等患病風險,二、三手煙也有同樣的損害;酒精抑制大腦功能使飲酒者的反應及判斷能力下降, ...
澳門金融管理局聯同澳門金融學會、行業公會和協會,於2024年成功續辦四場“金融知識基礎培訓系列課程”,內容聚焦不同金融領域、涵蓋基礎性及普及性的行業知識。培訓對象由新入職及有意轉崗的本地銀行從業員,延伸至有志投身銀行業的大專院校學生。其中,第四場課程 ...
2024年12月2日 10:49 海事局辦有獎問答活動 宣傳高層樓宇供水安全 2024年12月2日 10:18 勞工局與休閒企業推出就業+培訓專項計劃 12月3日起接受申請 2024年12月2日 10:01 二零二四年十二月份稅務責任 ...
岑浩輝指出,下一步將帶領團隊,盡快熟悉和深入了解各領域各方面的情況,從整個澳門和全局的角度思考問題,保持現屆政府各項工作的連續性,配合25週年慶典,確保交接工作平穩進行。他並表示,現任終審法院院長辦公室副主任陳格將出任行政長官辦公室主任。而在12月2 ...