Previous: The Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Ms Ao Ieong U, attends the opening ceremony of a cultural event featuring music from the six religions in Macao, in celebration of the 25th ...
The Personal Data Protection Bureau provides seminars on the Personal Data Protection Act to private and public institutions. The Personal Data Protection Act seminar serves to highlight the basics ...
The Personal Data Protection Bureau accepts and handles applications for opinions in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act. The Personal Data Protection Bureau shall inform the applicant of ...
To apply, renew, reissue, replace and cancel “Non-resident Worker’s Identification Card” (“Non-resident Worker’s Card” for short) for non-residents who are employed by Macao employers with valid ...
Health Centres are district-based units that provide primary healthcare services and have the authority to: Provide personal healthcare and essential medications to individuals and families; Refer ...
Persons who wish to apply for residence in Macao as an investor, management executive or skilled worker may apply to the Commerce and Investment Promotion Institute (Address: 1/F, World Trade Centre ...
Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, n. os 43 - 53A, The Macau Square, 8.º andar C e 11.º andar K, Macau ...
於12月2日下午,懲教管理局假澳門保安部隊高等學校禮堂舉行2024年度嘉獎儀式,以表彰本年度工作表現優秀的個人和團隊,以及向榮休和長期服務的人員致送紀念章,藉此對他們的貢獻給予充分肯定,並激勵士氣,增強團隊凝聚力,同時對本年度的工作進行總結。嘉獎儀式 ...
高美士中葡中學與葡萄牙Escola Secundária de ...