When Attorney General [Merrick] Garland asked me to serve as special counsel, I agreed to do it and I left private practice ...
This suit was surfaced by Law.com Radar, ALM's source for immediate alerting on just-filed cases in state and federal courts.
Plaintiffs' lead attorney Mark Linder emphasized this is the first mesothelioma lawsuit that proceeded from this type of ...
The lack of big PE deals has been a damper on overall deal activity while midmarket work has picked up some of the slack.
Mike Schmidtberger is slated to transition from his leadership position in April but will remain a partner in its investment ...
The Supreme Court of Georgia issued one attorney discipline opinion Tuesday. The Supreme Court of Georgia issued the ...
Defendant Regent made the calculated decision, in consultation with its lawyers, that it could save money because of an ...
During discovery in the present matter, defendants provided to plaintiffs the public summary, but withheld the internal report, without expressly claiming the attorney-client privilege and ...
Protected activity only needs to implicate 'a reasonable belief' that 'a violation is likely to happen,' U.S. District Judge ...
European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen has nominated Teresa Ribera Rodríguez as the EU’s next competition chief, ...
The Supreme Court has long protected those who associate for speech purposes from compelled disclosure of those associations, ...
We have always felt that long standing legal principals in the area of municipal liability supported the verdict, Jed Manton ...