What got you interested in history, Jewish history particularly? As a child growing up in New Jersey, I was always intrigued by the family photos depicting ancestors dressed in Ottoman garb: my great ...
How long have you been living in Dubai? What influenced you in deciding to live here? I moved to Dubai in 2016, before I had been living in London. My customer base at that time was in Kazakhstan and ...
Could you tell us a little about ‘Jews of Tire Project’? How did it start? I am the director of external relations and social projects at the Municipality of Tire, Izmir Province in western Turkey. In ...
Hadith number 6985 of the 41 st book from the Hadith collection known as Sahih Muslim, compiled by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj native of Nishapur in modern-day eastern Iran, reads as follows: Abu Huraira ...
Rabbi Chitrik during his travels all around Anatolia, from Çanakkale to Cappadocia, from Tarsus to Diyarbakır, met with the few Jews who still lived there, visited the synagogues of which only remains ...
Izmir Alsancak Şaar Aşamayim Synagogue which was rebuilt and turned into a ´Jewish Community Center´ has opened its doors with a ceremony on December 1st. Alsancak Şaar Aşamayim Synagogue which was ...
The author and businessman Alexander Moissis retraced the footsteps of his great-grandmother’s uncle Nissim Levis in Ioannina, a small city in Greece’s mountainous northwest. He walked down the rough ...
New York Valisi Kathy Hochul, kipa ve başörtüsü gibi dini giysilerin zorla çıkartılmaya çalışılmasının cezai bir suç ...
New York´ta her yıl yapılan Macy´s Şükran Günü geçit töreninde İsrail karşıtı gösteri yapan 21 Filistinli protestocu ...
Teknoloji dünyası hızla ilerlerken, bu gelişmeler hayatımızı kolaylaştıran ve zenginleştiren birçok yeni cihazı beraberinde ...
Özellikle Nalewki Caddesi, II. Dünya Savaşı’nda yitip giden Varşova’nın Yahudi kültürel mirasının simgelerinden biri olarak ...
Yeni Zelanda Yahudi Konseyi (NZJC) tarafından hazırlanan rapora göre Yahudiler, ülke nüfusunun yalnızca yüzde 0,2´sini ...