Spider-Man! Batman! Superman! Three institutions of superhero flicks and comics, three iconic names. They alone have been ...
Over the years, DC Comics has introduced countless superheroes to the world, including icons like Superman, Batman, and ...
The DC Comics multiverse is expansive and epic, with more than just Batman and Superman to represent the bravest and boldest ...
Batman changed the collective perception of Batman, his costume, his gadgets, and even the Batcave in ways that I and many ...
The classic DC Heroes Role-Playing game is being reprinted in a special 40th Anniversary Edition as part of a Kickstarter ...
The first issue of Justice League Unlimited is a love letter to DC Comics and a perfect introduction to the DC Universe for ...
The Titans have had a whirlwind few years. After the close of Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths, Nightwing was told by Batman ...
Cryptozoic Entertainment is currently crowdfunding a 40th Anniversary reprint of a huge piece of the DC Heroes Role Playing ...
Last month, the creators of beloved characters like “Superman” and “Spider-Man” declined to come to their own rescue when their SUPER HERO and ...
In 1978, Superman made audiences believe a man could fly. In 1984, Supergirl made studio executives believe a superhero could ...
The out-of-print game will have new life, much like a golden age comic book hero ...