Cobra Kai, an American martial arts comedy-drama, was originally a YouTube Red series that became a Netflix show because of ...
Legends timeline reveals how long after Cobra Kai the movie will take place. The sixth film in the franchise, directed by ...
Karate Kid: Legends is set to hit theaters on May 30, 2025. For more, check out our list of the most exciting upcoming movies in 2024 and beyond, or, skip through our list of movie release dates.
Serendipity seems to follow Ralph Macchio — and it most recently took him to Australia. In October, Coldplay released the ...
Macchio also appears in “The Karate Kid” music video, which you can watch above.
A star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame will be unveiled today honoring Ralph Macchio for a television and movie career ...
A star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame was unveiled Wednesday honoring Ralph Macchio for a movie and television career ...