The Virginia Lottery has released a new PSA focusing on the importance of knowing one’s limits and not playing beyond one’s ...
Dignitaries spoke, the Virginia Gentlemen crooned and Cavman mugged for photos with guests, all part of Friday’s grand opening for UVA’s newest location.
The Virginia Department of Forestry (DOF) is partnering with nurseries across the Commonwealth to offer discounts on native ...
Lynch played a key role in increasing the number of FWISD PTAs from 55 to 65. Here’s how she did it and why she volunteers.
The UK-based Oasthouse Ventures announced on Friday that it will invest $104.8 million to construct an agriculture operation ...
Southwest Virginia-based health clinics are partnering with a telehealth company and UVA Health to bolster rural healthcare.
Virginia Tech celebrated a significant milestone in its dedication to innovation and technology education with the opening of ...
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will hold a ribbon cutting Friday afternoon for its new Fredericksburg Health Care ...
One of the state’s biggest health insurers, Cigna Health and Life Insurance Co., treated claims for coverage of autism and ...
The VA operates other primary-care and mental health locations in Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Fort Pierce, Okeechobee, and ...
Medical care is going straight to veterans in need through a new mobile program launched by the Phoenix VA Health Care System.