A SpaceX rocket lifted off Friday from the Santa Barbara County coast in an early morning launch through low clouds.
Thirteen of the 20 Starlink craft that went up today can beam service directly to cellphones, a relatively new capability SpaceX is building out in LEO. The first direct-to-cell Starlink satellites ...
we started to see interference signals in the sky, and we managed to trace them to some of the Starlink satellites from the ...
Starlink and other satellite networks are vital for providing high speed internet to remote communities, but unintended ...
Satellite swarms orbiting the Earth are leaking more radiation into protected wavelength bands than ever. In fact, the second ...
New Starlink satellites’ radiation leaks are 30 times as large as those emitted by older satellites, scientists discover ...
If you've looked up at a clear night sky in the past few years, you may have noticed a string of unblinking lights crawling ...
The excess radio emissions from Starlink satellites threatens to hinder observations through radio telescopes, astronomers in ...
Wave Goodbye Elon Musk's Starlink communications satellites aren't just physically junking up Earth's orbit, but are, ...
Starlink is not the only big player ... Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us know at: ...
An international team of astronomers reported in a study Wednesday that the second generation model of Starlink satellites is ...
Observations with the LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) radio telescope last year showed that first generation Starlink satellites ...