The movie "September 5" focuses on the ABC Sports team tasked with covering the hostage crisis at the 1972 Munich Olympics.
Decades, centuries or even the entire history of the world – these films encompass vast stretches of time within a single feature.
The Vietnam War lasted for almost 20 years, between 1955 and 1975—one of America's longest military conflicts. With its ...
The Woody Guthrie connection is developed in the movie. Dylan goes to visit Woody in New Jersey where he was ...
In the mid-90s, Pryce was enjoying a moment, carrying off the Best Actor award at Cannes in 1995 for his work opposite Emma ...
This coming May 8 will mark the 80th anniversary of "V.E. Day," the end of WWII in Europe. The Congregational Church of Westminster West is offering a four-film ...
From animated flicks to war epics, Netflix's movie library has something for everyone and we've made it easier for you to decide what to watch by picking out the best from each genre, so read on ...
A film labelled as 'one of the greatest war movies of all time' which bagged three Oscars will be shown on TV for free tonight. The World War One epic 1917 will be broadcast on BBC Three and its ...
I’m so happy I found this movie, and if you have too, then 'I think I know you!' Arriving at a very heated time in American politics, Alex Garland’s Civil War invited a lot of expectations ...
a fear of nuclear war and a potential nuclear apocalypse had a firm grip on the world. This is reflected in the art of the 1950s, 1960s, and beyond, sometimes heavily portrayed and sometimes subtly.
escape the city of Casablanca during World War II. This is the first movie that so many people think of when they hear the phrase “classic cinema” for a reason. The Queen of the French New ...