Big tech needs to find more energy-efficient ways to run AI data centers, and direct their major energy investments, along with the government, to clean renewable energy that doesn’t make our ...
The regulator’s decision puts one type of contract at risk, but won’t close the door on nuclear power plants looking to sign ...
A series of recent rulings from regulators dashed the Big Tech companies' hopes of finding a quick fix for their electricity ...
Plans by Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta to build an AI data center in the US that runs on nuclear power were thwarted in part because ...
Meta had plans to build an AI data center in the US that relies on nuclear power — it even already knew where it wanted the ...
As tech giants search for clean electricity to power their massive data-center expansions, one energy source has garnered ...
The presidential candidate raised concerns about a clean electricity source Republicans love and that his campaign pledged to ...
Big Tech companies are investing in nuclear energy to meet the demands of generative artificial intelligence. But AI and ...
Recent announcements pairing Big Tech and nuclear energy have hit the news lately. But where did this interest come from, and what does it mean ...
Deals signed by Google, Amazon, and Microsoft with U.S. nuclear developers will help to deploy a new generation of reactors.
Vistra is pursuing deals with data center developers in Texas and the PJM region to address the industry’s energy needs at ...
Nuclear-power stocks fell after regulators voted against a deal between Amazon and Talen Energy. The deal would permit a ...