The Cressy sighting remains as one of Tasmania's best known UFO sightings. The cigar shaped 'mothership' and attendant discs were witnessed by the local Church of England minister, the Reverend Lionel ...
An electrician claims having been abducted by a UFO while traveling by car between two towns in southern Chile. Gabriel Encina, 47, states that the strange experience occured six years ago, but that ...
An electrician claims having been abducted by a UFO while traveling by car between two towns in southern Chile. Gabriel Encina, 47, states that the strange experience occured six years ago, but that ...
A grayish disc-shaped object which hovered, wobbling on its axis, then evaded pursuit, was sighted October 2, 1961 at Salt Lake City, Utah airport. Private pilot Waldo J. Harris, a real estate broker, ...
Summary: UFO-related quotes from military officials. "That it could be an aircraft constructed on this earth, I do not believe possible." -Commander Juan Barrera, in command of Aquirre Cerda airbase, ...
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Project Blue Book team almost got its wish for "swimming UFO's" when this photo turned up. Taken by Jerry Ross ("I'm not a believer in flying saucers." he stressed) in Seattle in January, 1966, the ...
Source: NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon), A Winter Haven, Florida, private pilot reported he fled from a giant cone-shaped UFO which kept his plane in shadow for about ...
This picture was passed to Dr. J. Allen Hynek by the director of the Ondrejov Observatory in Czechoslovakia. No further details of the sighting are available.
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MICHAEL SAVAGE, SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA: Michael Savage, 15 year-old son of a California surgeon, snapped this object near power lines in San Bernadino. He tried to get a second shot but in his ...