Israeli army says officer Nael Fwarsy killed by drone in western Galilee, while soldier Tomer Keren killed by anti-tank ...
Group of illegal Israeli settlers hurled stones at Boys' Primary School and co-educational Al-Tawafuq Secondary School in Jab ...
Leaders to 'discuss the state of the war between Russia and Ukraine, including Ukraine’s strategic planning and U.S. support ...
Labor market, job growth already slowing in US; trend appears likely for state budgets, says rating agency - Anadolu Ajansı ...
Economic consequences of high debt can no longer be dismissed in advanced economies, says IMF's first deputy managing ...
US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Thursday that the Senate would "step in" to avert a government shutdown after a ...
David Lammy expresses his deep concern over rising tensions, civilian casualties in Lebanon during his phone talks with his ...
„Оваа година се планира производството на дронови значително да се зголеми, поточно речиси десеткратно...“ - Anadolu Ajansı ...
„Ние сме на работ. Речиси една година од војната, девастацијата и огромното страдање на цивилите продолжуваат немилосрдно“, ...
Le chef du Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, a promis de transformer les actions d’Israël en « enfer » jeudi après que le groupe ...
Sekreterê Giştî yê Hîzbullahê Hesen Nasrallah got ku bi êrîşên dawîn ên Îsrîalê di dîroka berxwedana li Libnanê da derbeyeke ...
U pratnji veleposlanice Republike Turkiye Nurdan Erpulat Altuntas bili su prvi tajnik Onur Yay i treća tajnica Muzeyyen Inci ...