Courts in Utah and Michigan recently blocked legislative assaults on the ballot initiative process.
New standards give intelligence officials too much discretion in handling personal information purchased from third parties.
There’s an old saying in journalism: Dog bites man is not news. Man bites dog is news. Man eats dog? Big, fake news. So it’s ...
Curbing money bail helps address economic and racial disparities in the criminal justice system while preserving public ...
Cuando los delitos violentos aumentaron durante la pandemia de covid-19, muchas voces en la política y los medios de comunicación encontraron un chivo expiatorio fácil: la reforma del sistema de ...
The Brennan Center works to build an America that is democratic, just, and free. Here’s how you can help.
While the Heritage Foundation has previously spread disinformation about purported noncitizen voting, the organization has ...
Securing coveted positions and clout requires members of Congress to raise money long after they’re elected. The average ...