Lapsille suunnattu elintarvikkeiden markkinointi painottuu epäterveellisiin elintarvikkeisiin, ja lapset ovat poikkeuksellisen alttiita markkinoinnin vaikutuksille. Helsingin yliopistossa laadittua ...
We are excited to announce that the call for abstracts to the panel "Ecotopias’ of Sustainability: From Maldevelopment to ‘Desirable’ Future Forests" is open now! The International Forest Policy team ...
You are warmly welcomed to join us for RESET GINTL Africa Seminar hosted by LECI with Solwati/Dr Sibongile L. Masuku from University of Mpumalanga, South Africa ”Decentering and Challenging Inhumane ...
The University of Helsinki and Slush have been collaborating successfully for 10 years. At this year’s Slush, the University will present eight innovations and organise several side events, of which ...
The Highly Cited Researchers 2024 list highlights scholars whose publications have received the most citations from other researchers over the past decade. Ten University of Helsinki researchers have ...
Usein menettely psykiatristen häiriöiden diagnoosin antamisen taustalta häivytetään, vaikka käsitys persoonallisuushäiriön diagnoosista rakentuu potilaan ja ammattilaisen välisessä vuorovaikutuksessa.
In his recent doctoral thesis, defended at the University of Helsinki, Matej Zore investigated two drugs, fingolimod and etrasimod - initially developed to treat autoimmune diseases - for their ...
Laboratorioomme on viime aikoina tullut useita kyselyitä koskien enterokokkien aiheuttamien tulehdusten hoitoa. Tietopaketti enterokokkitulehdusten hoidosta ja sen haasteista Enterokokki-infektioiden ...
On the 26th and 27th November is the annual conference of the Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity and the European Narratives (EuroStorie) which you are welcome to join! Positioning Europe in the ...
HEPP is co-organizing an open seminar and course with the Doctoral Programme on Gender, Culture, and Society (SKY) on the late Carole Pateman's book of feminist critique, The Sexual Contract, and ...
Uusi tutkimus paljasti selkeän ”kuolleisuusedun” ulkomailla syntyneiden keskuudessa. Helsingin ja Tampereen yliopiston yhteistyönä toteutettu tutkimus tarkastelee yli 70-vuotiaiden kuolleisuutta ja ...
Several ESB members recently attended the biannual International Society of Behavioral Ecology (ISBE) Congress in Melbourne from September 29 to October 4, where each gave a talk or poster ...