All those interested in the prevention of major industrial accidents such as policy-makers, managers of enforcement agencies on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) and environmental protection, OSH ...
The Master is intended for officials and/or professionals working in the public administration and international organizations in the fields of economic, technological, industrial and social policy; ...
All those involved in chemical risk management in the agricultural sector (agricultural workers and their representatives, agricultural employers and their representatives, consultants and trainers ...
In a world increasingly affected by climate change, social security has become more vital than ever. As Ms. Shahra Razavi, Director of the International Labour Organization’s Universal Social ...
Ce cours explore l'intégration des travaux verts, des solutions fondées sur la nature (NBS) et des sauvegardes environnementales et sociales (E&S) dans le contexte des travaux HIMO. Les participants ...
Who attends this course? ¿ Labour inspectors at central or provincial level; ¿ Labour inspection system managers; ¿ Labour administration system officials involved ...
Para hacer frente a los apremiantes retos medioambientales, como el cambio climático, la contaminación y el descenso de la biodiversidad, los países deben hacer una transición hacia economías y ...
This course is designed to provide employers, workers and their representatives, labour and fire inspectors, as well as others with relevant roles and duties with fire safety training and information.
This course will explore the integration of green works, nature-based solutions (NBS), and environmental & social (E&S) safeguards within the context of labour-based works. Participants will learn how ...