Viola Vogel’s research in Bioengineering focuses on how to exploit emerging knowledge in Mechanobiology for Applications in Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine or to treat inflammatory diseases.
For more than 20 years, John Walker has been engaged in studies of the mechanism of ATP synthases from bovine heart mitochondria and eubacteria. His work has led to the demonstration that these ...
Born in Germany; naturalized US citizen (2001). Diploma in Biology, University of Cologne (1986). PhD in Genetics, Tübingen (1988). Postdoctoral Fellow at the California Institute of Technology, ...
Elizabeth Vierling, PhD is Distinguished Professor Emerita of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Vierling earned a BS in Botany from the University of ...
Jane Richardson and her husband David have worked together for over 50 years on research to understand the 3D structure of protein and RNA molecules. They were early pioneers in protein ...
Paul W. Sternberg is Bren Professor of Biology at the California Institute of Technology. He joined the Caltech faculty in 1987 after training at UCSF and receiving his PhD from MIT and his BA from ...
I seek to understand how atmospheric gases, clouds, and aerosols regulate the planetary greenhouse effect, solar radiative heating, and climate. As a postdoctoral fellow I identified the greenhouse ...
Judy Lieberman, Endowed Chair in Cellular and Molecular Medicine at Boston Children’s Hospital and Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, is an immunologist, who studies killer lymphocytes ...
Alex Vilenkin is a physicist recognized for his work on the early universe cosmology. He is known particularly for his studies of topological defects, eternal cosmic inflation, quantum cosmology, and ...
Throughout my scientific career I have--in addition to a few digressions--been engaged in the study of the ecology and physiology of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms and their role in aquatic ...
Professor Nix obtained his B.S. degree in Metallurgical Engineering from San Jose State College, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, respectively, from ...
My research interests cover the processes for applying existing scientific knowledge to applications. Multi- and inter-disciplinary areas will be required and researches in these areas are urgently ...