Alan Freed - Wikipedia
Freed served in the US Army during World War II and worked as a DJ on Armed Forces Radio. Soon after World War II, Freed landed broadcasting jobs at smaller radio stations, including WKST (New Castle, Pennsylvania); WKBN (Youngstown, Ohio); and WAKR (Akron, Ohio), where, in 1945, he became a local favorite for playing hot jazz and pop recordings.
Alan Freed - Radio Aircheck - WJW Cleveland 1954 - YouTube
Apr 20, 2011 · A rare 1954 live recording of Alan Freed on WJW in Cleveland.
Airchecks: Pre-1955 - Rock Radio Scrapbook
Talent: ALAN FREED Station: WJW Cleveland Date: 1953 Time: 27:38 (unscoped) This aircheck of Alan Freed features not one, not two but three of his famous openings. Enjoy it, and have an Erin Brew, formula 10-02 in memory of the "King of the Moondoggers". Here's Alan Freed on WJW from 1953.
Recorded broadcast of the Moondog Alan Freed on WJW, Ohio
Original title: Live Vintage Aircheck Recording of Alan Freed, Moondog's Saturday Night Rock and Roll Party WJW 1953A super rare recording of legendary DJ Al...
Audio - Alan Freed
WJW: Alan Freed’s apology the day after the “Moondog Coronation Ball” https://www.alanfreed.com/wp/audio/misc/Day_after_Ball.mp3; WNEW: Alan Freed’s interview …
The Dramatic Rise And Fall Of Alan Freed — “Father Of Rock And …
Mar 27, 2018 · In 1951, he wound up picking up a graveyard shift at a station called WJW in Cleveland. As it turned out, WJW radio would be the place Alan Freed would make history, not only by playing rock and roll music but actually introducing the phrase rock and …
“Moondog Alan Freed” 1951-1965 | The Pop History Dig
Nov 20, 2013 · Working at station WJW and using the on-air nickname “Moondog,” Freed in 1951 was playing a mixture of rhythm and blues (R&B) music — music performed and listened to by mostly African Americans; music that was not widely played on mainstream radio.
ALAN FREED - Radio Hall of Fame
On July 11, 1951, Freed took the nickname “Moondog” and began hosting a program of rhythm and blues music on WJW/Cleveland. Within a year, Freed had become a local sensation, with an audience that crossed racial lines.
This webpage is a collection of Alan Freed clippings and images from various newspapers, as well as The Cash Box magazine, for the time period 1959 to 1965. LISTEN TO ALAN FREED RADIO SHOWS FROM WJW (Cleveland) AND WINS (New York City).
Alan Freed On WINS 1010 AM RADIO
Alan had moved from WJW in Cleveland to WINS in NYC in September 1954. Rock 'n Roll Party #1 was Monday through Saturday 7:00-9:00 PM. Party #2 was Monday through Thursday 11:00 PM-1:00 AM, and also Friday and Saturday 11:00 PM-2:00 AM.